English 48A
Edwards Journal
Book Quote:
“Their case is past all hope…but here you are…in the house of God, and have an opportunity to obtain salvation”
Internet Quote:
“After filling their hearts with fear, he uses this image to show them that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of God's mercy and forgiveness. There is no doubt as to the effectiveness of his tactics in using imagery to penetrate into the hearts and minds of those who are present.” –Associated Content
Jonathan Edwards sermon puts the fear of God into his listeners. Throughout the sermon he repeats they are meaningless to God he doesn’t need them, they need him to be saved, they are damned for Hell. Then a few paragraphs before the end he turns and tells them there is still hope for salvation if they are not great worshipers of God because it is God who keeps them from falling into the pit of hell’s fire.
This sermon starts and continues to send the message we are sinners and are damned, we are to soon to be dropped into the fires of hell, there is no way to prevent it even if you try so hard to sneak around it; however this all changes just a few paragraphs from the end. Just when the listeners give-up believed to be damned, they learn there is hope for salvation. The metaphors give the listeners help in imagining what they are seen to be, what they are damned to endure; they are nothing, wicked, a burden and can easily be rid of into the flames of hell. Edwards gives the listeners hope to change what they are destined for and will do whatever it takes. They were dedicated to their religion hoping that was the answer for guaranteeing salvation. Edwards completed his mission in this sermon, get them to be more dedicated to the church, believing to be saved by God and should worship him for doing so.