Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Letters of Columbus-Columbus

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
December 1, 2009
Columbus Journal

Book Quote:

“filled with people innumerable, and of them all I have taken possession for their highnesses, by proclamation made and with the royal standard unfurled, and no opposition was offered to me” -Columbus

Online Quote:

“Columbus holds little respect for the Native Americans, based on his portrayal of them being timid and unduly impressed by the mere presence of mortal European men” –Association Content


Columbus’ voyage to the “Indies” ends up landing in America. Columbus claims the land for his patroness’, the Spanish crown. When he claims it there is no dispute from the Indians. In his letter he explains his success in finding great things in America. However he doesn’t mention what his patroness’ funded him for finding the Indies with its spices, silk, and other great goods

that are known to be in Asia. He tries to satisfy the crown by mentioning the land that is now



The Natives could have just accepted people more than the Europeans would, that would be crazy. The Natives didn’t come to Columbus and his men right away from experiences however they do open up to them and create truce, at least the Indians did. After the Natives had started to share claim to America, they were to be pushed out more and more from their ownership. They weren’t professional thieves, as they didn’t want to claim other land as the Europeans did, they wanted peace, which explain why when Columbus was there they didn't fight right away. We don’t know when the first Natives were able to speak with the Spaniards and others. Without communication and any documents from them, we don’t know if they just accepted what Columbus was doing or if they did try to reason with him. It seems violence wasn't their first idea the Europeans would have resulted to right away. They were also on their turf and weren’t about to flee their homeland, where they could practice their culture freely, Europe wouldn’t accept it. Besides they didn’t have a great ship to take them to another continent anyways. They seem to have hoped to make friendship to keep from wars as they also were already having a population decrease problem; resulting to war would possibly end their race. Do what you can to keep the peace. They did but would be stepped on as a result. Nice guys finish last; the Natives were to lose their land, as they didn’t fight hard to keep their land right from the start, sending a message for Europeans to come on in.

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