Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Native American Contact and Conflict

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
December 8, 2009
Native American Contact and Conflict Journal

"Native Americans seemed to regard their lighter-complexioned visitors as something of a marvel, not only for their dress, beards, and winged ships but even more for their technology-steel knives and swords, fire-belching arquebus [a firearm]…other items unusual to the way of life of Native Americans. "

"significantly different value systems than those of the European colonists. The differences in culture between the Native Americans and Europeans, and the shifting alliances among different nations of each culture, led to great misunderstandings and long lasting cultural conflicts."

"Native Americans had no concept of "private property". Because of this many treaties were signed giving "white men" the right to take the land." -
West Virginia Archives and History

“‘How can you hope, encumbered as you are, to succeed in your design? Go down to the foot of the mountain, throw away your gun, your ammunition, your provisions, and your clothing; wash yourself in the stream…’” (Norton 439)
Summary: A native gave a speech, explaining their need to go back to their ways, the way they lived before they were influenced into the white men’s ways of living. Native Americans had forgotten their traditions and customs which benefits the white men. He sees the French as their friends though and mentions it in his speech.

“Mr. Wheelock wanted to See me as Soon as possible. So I went up, thinking I Should be back again in a few Days; when I got up there, he received me With kindness and Compassion…” (Norton 442)
Summary: Occom, a Native American was educated by a Reverend E. Wheelock. He was In this short manuscript, Occom speaks about himself becoming a minister but doesn’t mention Wheelock’s treatment to his family. While Occom was raising funds for the Indian education school, Wheelock was to watch after Occom’s family but didn’t for when Occom came back he found them in great poverty.

“the sincerity of a treaty should be distrusted, from which so distinguished a chief absented himself…” (Norton 444)
Summary: Logan, the Mingo chief, gave a speech to be read as he wasn’t present as the Natives lost the war in 1774. He had a representative to surrender for him. His speech speaks of his kindness to the white men and how they repay him by murdering his loved ones. He does not fear them or death. It was because of those who had murdered his family that he sought out revenge.

“‘Brother: The Great Spirit has made us all, but HE has made a great difference between his white and red children’” (Norton 446)
Summary: Red Jacket gave a speech as an answer to the Christians request for them to all convert to Christianity. He spoke of his and their respect for their religion but must decline as it is not theirs and gives his reasons why. They believe the Great Spirit wants them to keep their own customs. He however notes of the whites quarreling with other whites of religion so doesn’t know who speaks truthfully so cannot take everything accounted for, another reason to decline the offer.

“‘The white men despise and cheat the Indians; they abuse and insult them; they do not think the red men sufficiently good to live’” (Norton 448)
Summary: Tecumseh gives a speech to other Native tribes of the selfish, abusive, land-hungry white men. He speaks of their need to join together to fight them out once and for all. As they white men now seek to kill them if not the other way around.

All of these readings share “I helped the White men but now they are strong they turn on me” greedy for land and prosperity. Pontiac’s speech explains their need to go back to their own ways because he sees the white men turning on them when they are growing into the white culture. They will stop supplying them when they feel like it, when they want more land. Losing their culture they lose the way they could survive without guns and clothes. The moment the white men turn is the moment the Indians become easy targets to swipe out. Occom was brought taught the white ways and became a minister. When they could use him to earn donations they sent him but didn't look after his family as promised. It was no value to them to look after them so they didn't. Occom just ignores it, he is the oblivious Indian, having been brainwashed in their so called "education" they provided him. We don't know if they were just teaching him to become a minister or to learn the white men were great and to never go against them. Jefferson’s notes and his quote of Logan’s speech shows the injustice of the white men. The white men come to rob them and the Indians must pay them even though it was the Indians that showed them kindness and allowed them to be on their land. Jacket’s speech is my most favorite as he criticizes how the white men call their way “the right way” while they and other white men quarrel over it as there are differences. He and the other Indians accepts their religion as their way but not of the Natives way as if it was meant to be so the Great Spirit would have given it to them himself. He admits he and the other Natives can’t and won’t believe all they say as they have lied and poisoned them, giving them alcohol to act and do foolish things such as winning their land in Poker night when they were drunk. Tecumseh wants to get rid of the white men once and for all, to prevent them from doing more damage to their people and the land that they rightfully own. To do this he needs support from other tribes. I see his voice being pure hatred for the white men as they did make them strong but now wish to use that strength to kill them. It’s interesting how he
uses the “Great Spirit” a lot in his speech a lot, “God.” I think these parts were added by the boy Osages as it was him who recorded this speech and might not be accurately Tecumseh who said this. It seems to be to Pilgrim like thing to say.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beginning of the World

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
Iroquois/Pima Journal
December 6, 2009

“Stories about the creation of the world tell people who they are by telling them where they come from” (Norton 17)
Having different cultures the Iroquois and the Pimas would have their own versions of how they were first created.

Online Quote:
Other water creatures brought earth from the bottom of the sea to place on the back of Great Turtle, forming the Earth we know today. Some Indians still refer to North America as “Turtle Island.”
–Library of Congress

Iroquois Creation Story: A pregnant woman from the upper sky sinks down about to go into the great waters but a large turtle saves her and because he becomes land. The woman sits prepared to give birth to twins however one of the unborn infants is evil and becomes determined to leave his mother’s body from under her side arm. After the twins are born the mother dies. These twins live on creating thinks based on their personality. The good one created human life and other things to keep them alive whereas the bad one created things to jeopardize them. The bad one challenges the good one for control over the universe. They fight for two days until the good one won. The evil one would have control over humans after death.

It is completely natural to want to know how we humans came here. The woman just came out of the sky as the Iroquois cannot find an actual explanation for this beginning. Women are the only ones who can give birth so she has to be the first one here. There are good and bad things on this earth and someone good couldn’t have made human killers so there must be some evil creator. What better way to show his natural evil self than by acting stubborn and selfish and killing his mother most willingly. Good always wins in the end and so does the good twin, wouldn’t be right if it was the other way around, life would be worthless in the hands of evil. Evil is in control of the underworld, hell and so is the evil twin. They both win kingdoms to compromise their need of control.

Online Quote:
“people who favored stability, settlement, and peace and whose artistic traditions were long and rich. At the time that this story was collected, the Pima were particularly skilled in agriculture and in making sophisticated crafts.” -W.W. Norton

The Pimas myth starts with Juhwertamahkai creating the earth then creates Nooee who is meant to help him create life on earth but leaves instead. Juhwertamahkai creates water, moon, stars and sun. He then creates human life four times but destroys the first three because they unsatisfied him with their canibolism, young gray selves, smoking. The fourth group however is as it is now. The sun and moon’s coyote child is named Toehahvs, and the Seeurhuh become brothers with Noee and Juhwertamahkai. Seeurhuh saw himself as the older brother and is accepted to be so Seeurhuh created a man. This man would marry and have many children. His wives would die leaving his soon to be wife to worry about it. Seeurhuh sees a flood coming and builds a vessel. The other three brothers do similar thing to survive and when they see each other they fight over who is the eldest again. This time Juhwertamahkai tries to destroy them as well Seerhuh protects us from happening. There are diseases left with us causing deaths.

This story explains the birth of nature more than of human birth. Of course there would be no life without nature. “Practice makes perfect” practice creating humans makes them close to perfection. Juhwertamahkai didn’t practice enough. When he has a chance to fix us he doesn’t because he sees his creatures are suitable enough but not Seerhuh wants perfection so protects his humans. Seerhuh makes his Pimas strong though their enemy spoke first. I’m assuming their enemy is Juhwertamahkai’s humans. This could explain the natural enemies between tribes in real life as well.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

La Relacion -Cabeza de Vaca

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
December 2, 2009
Cabeza de Vaca Journal

Book Quote:
"We had come from the sunrise, they from the sunset; we healed the sick, they killed the sound; we came naked and barefoot, they clothed, horsed, and lanced; we coveted nothing but gave whatever we were given, while they robbed whomever they found and bestowed nothing on anyone" (47).

Internet Quote:
"the subtle way the author appeals to the king (to whom the book is addressed) for mercy and for compassion for Native Americans has been regarded as skillful. Critics have also praised the story's pacing and its mood of tension and excitement. Themes of spiritual transformation in the RelaciĆ³n." –Enotes

Cabeza de Vaca is writing to the Spanish Emperor, explaining the Indians ways of life; how they are human, even more so than they are. The tribes are great communities that look out for one another. They have some flaw like all do but not as outrageous as one would think. In this time the Emperor and other European countries most likely heard terrible things happening in America and saw it they godly doing to send men there to take over and change it. Cabeza de Vaca explains the truth as he witnesses it himself and sees it the Spaniards who wish to enslave these good people who are in need of Gods guidance.

I found this quote in the book very strong which made it stand out of the whole story for me. He is addressing the Emperor, telling him of the noble Indians who are to be enslaved if he doesn’t do something about Alcaraz and others like him. If the Emperor won’t see it is wrong to enslave these Indians, he will address it strongly that America isn’t theirs to claim. The Indians have not just lived in this land before the Spanish arrived but they were one with the land, they were part of the land. If showing how the Indians are more humane than the Spaniards doesn’t do anything then the Emperor will see the Indians are more durable. They will not be taken advantage of so don’t even try. They knew they didn’t have power over them; they were not as idiotic as they were lead out to be. I think this was a risky move for Casa de Vaca to make as the Emperor might of taken offense to this and would have sent an army to break the Indians strong will.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Letters of Columbus-Columbus

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
December 1, 2009
Columbus Journal

Book Quote:

“filled with people innumerable, and of them all I have taken possession for their highnesses, by proclamation made and with the royal standard unfurled, and no opposition was offered to me” -Columbus

Online Quote:

“Columbus holds little respect for the Native Americans, based on his portrayal of them being timid and unduly impressed by the mere presence of mortal European men” –Association Content


Columbus’ voyage to the “Indies” ends up landing in America. Columbus claims the land for his patroness’, the Spanish crown. When he claims it there is no dispute from the Indians. In his letter he explains his success in finding great things in America. However he doesn’t mention what his patroness’ funded him for finding the Indies with its spices, silk, and other great goods

that are known to be in Asia. He tries to satisfy the crown by mentioning the land that is now



The Natives could have just accepted people more than the Europeans would, that would be crazy. The Natives didn’t come to Columbus and his men right away from experiences however they do open up to them and create truce, at least the Indians did. After the Natives had started to share claim to America, they were to be pushed out more and more from their ownership. They weren’t professional thieves, as they didn’t want to claim other land as the Europeans did, they wanted peace, which explain why when Columbus was there they didn't fight right away. We don’t know when the first Natives were able to speak with the Spaniards and others. Without communication and any documents from them, we don’t know if they just accepted what Columbus was doing or if they did try to reason with him. It seems violence wasn't their first idea the Europeans would have resulted to right away. They were also on their turf and weren’t about to flee their homeland, where they could practice their culture freely, Europe wouldn’t accept it. Besides they didn’t have a great ship to take them to another continent anyways. They seem to have hoped to make friendship to keep from wars as they also were already having a population decrease problem; resulting to war would possibly end their race. Do what you can to keep the peace. They did but would be stepped on as a result. Nice guys finish last; the Natives were to lose their land, as they didn’t fight hard to keep their land right from the start, sending a message for Europeans to come on in.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Of Plymouth Plantation - Bradford

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
Bradford Journal

Book Quote:
“Morton, thinking himself lawless, and hearing what gain the French and fisherman made by trading of pieces, powder, and shot to the Indians, he as the head of this consortship, began the practice of the same in these parts; and first he taught them how to use them, to charge and discharge…” (127).

Online Quote:
"America was seen as a place where they could begin new lives in a colony centered on God and governed in an honorable manner. By creating their own laws as they felt were needed, they allowed themselves the freedoms they did not see in England."
-Associated Content

Bradford’s Manuscript begins with notifying us they had another ship before the Mayflower, the Speedwell, however was not suitable enough for travel so ended up getting the Mayflower. They are on the ship, they are having seasickness, and only one unpleasant man dies from a disease and is thrown overboard. They arrive in Cape Cod instead of Virginia. They find Native food while looking for water. They settle in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They Natives stay away from them but watch the puritans. Winter comes as the Puritans run out of supplies and half the population dies from diseases. They do meat Squanto who is a Native but speaks English. He teaches them how to live there; he saves them from starvation. Years pass before more settlers come but have a different idea of life. They are not Puritans and are giving power to the Natives, guns. Morton, the leader of the group is later forced out. Besides having a different belief from the Puritans he was a threat to their safety by showing the Indians they could have more power than them, they could over-run the Puritans should they choose to.

Bradford never states he and the other puritans were trading giving guns to the Indians so I will assume not. Guns are more effective than bows and so they felt more protected in being the only one with guns. These are one of the major reasons why they wanted Morton out as he was giving the Natives guns. This made the puritans more in danger. They must have already seen they were not given the guns for any reason other to train them and for them to do the main fighting’s. If not to kill each other’s tribe than to kill the puritans who are already settled there. The Puritans were already in small numbers because of the cold winter that killed half of the population; they were in danger of being cleaned out entirely and it would have been the Native’s gun supplier’s fault, Morton.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Anne Bradstreet

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
Bradstreet Journal

Book Quote:
“All things within this fading world hath end…Who with salt tears this last farewell did take”

Online Quote:
“Anne Bradstreet contrasts the transitory nature of earthly treasure with eternal treasures, and seems to see these trials as lessons from God” –Associated Content

Anne Bradstreet was a woman Puritan who wrote personal poetry and were exposed in publication without her knowledge. Her work explain everyday life for Puritan women but also share her personal question whether there is a God and why doesn’t he come to her and others. But resolves it is God’s will.

As all things must end she must let go and accept it is the way it is meant to be, as being a puritan she must believe it so. In other poems of hers she mentions she will be rejoined with the ones she loves in heaven, an after-life. However in this one she ends a “last farewell” no comfort of seeing one another in heaven. I believe it isn’t there for a reason because in such a case of leaving her child and husband, she would try to comfort them as much as she could as a good woman puritan does. Because death from childbirth was so common, and she explains her belief of her possibly dying she writes this poem in hope of comforting those she cares for but doesn’t say she’ll see them in the after life and her personal history of her lack of belief in God comes in. She sees she will most likely die and leaves this poem as she will die and never see them again. But if there is a God let him watch them who she leaves.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God -Edwards

Tiffany Garcia
English 48A
Edwards Journal

Book Quote:
“Their case is past all hope…but here you are…in the house of God, and have an opportunity to obtain salvation”

Internet Quote:
“After filling their hearts with fear, he uses this image to show them that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of God's mercy and forgiveness. There is no doubt as to the effectiveness of his tactics in using imagery to penetrate into the hearts and minds of those who are present.” –Associated Content

Jonathan Edwards sermon puts the fear of God into his listeners. Throughout the sermon he repeats they are meaningless to God he doesn’t need them, they need him to be saved, they are damned for Hell. Then a few paragraphs before the end he turns and tells them there is still hope for salvation if they are not great worshipers of God because it is God who keeps them from falling into the pit of hell’s fire.

This sermon starts and continues to send the message we are sinners and are damned, we are to soon to be dropped into the fires of hell, there is no way to prevent it even if you try so hard to sneak around it; however this all changes just a few paragraphs from the end. Just when the listeners give-up believed to be damned, they learn there is hope for salvation. The metaphors give the listeners help in imagining what they are seen to be, what they are damned to endure; they are nothing, wicked, a burden and can easily be rid of into the flames of hell. Edwards gives the listeners hope to change what they are destined for and will do whatever it takes. They were dedicated to their religion hoping that was the answer for guaranteeing salvation. Edwards completed his mission in this sermon, get them to be more dedicated to the church, believing to be saved by God and should worship him for doing so.